Entries by Alexander Capway

Capway in agreement to take over customers from Kredinor AB

Capway and Kredinor AB have agreed that Capway takes over the swedish business as Kredinor is closing the swedish subsidiary as of december 31st, 2021. After the migration of customers, that was finalized on december 1st 2021, Capway now serves some 2.500 customers with collection services. “Vi ser mycket positivt på det förtroende vi fått av […]

Datainspektionen changes name

Datainspektionen, the authority in Sweden that oversees and grants licenses to Swedish collection companies, has changed name to Integritetsskyddsmyndigheten. Read more here.  

Information concerning Covid-19 (Corona)

The current situation with Corona (Covid-19) has an impact on many companies. As a finance- and debt collection company, Capway is doing everything in our power to minimize the negative effects on our clients’ business. By keeping our services fully open we are helping our clients to minimize the negative effects caused by this current […]

Capway welcomes Annika Karlsson

Capway welcomes Annika Karlsson to the company. Annika has many years of experience and will be working in the company’s team for invoice management and debt collection.

Capway welcomes Jan-Olov Nilsson

Jan-Olov Nilsson has been hired to the company to work with sales. Jan-Olov has many years of experience from sales and will be working with sales within invoice management and debt collection services.